An Answer is designed to help you in responding to a debt collection claim. The following resource to answer a debt collection lawsuit in Justice Court is included below:
In Texas, you have 14-20 days to answer, depending on the court. Even if you think you missed the deadline, it is still a good idea to file an answer if your case has not yet had a hearing.
In Texas, you have 14-20 days to answer, depending on the court.
In county/district court, the answer is due at 10 a.m. on the Monday following 20 days from when you were served.
In JP/Justice Court, the answer is due by the end of the 14th day after you were served. If the 14th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or court-observed holiday, your answer is due by the end of the first day following the 14th day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or court-observed holiday.
Turn in your completed answer form at the Courthouse where the Petition was filed and send a copy of the completed form to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney.
If you do not file an Answer by the deadline, the Plaintiff can ask the court to enter a default judgment against you, which means you lose automatically.